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In most cases, I enjoy the blogs that I create. But, once in awhile, a story has to be told that is not enjoyable. But as I said, it has to be told. Such is the story of 20-year old Evelyn McHale. She was shortly due to be married. But because she suffered with a deep case of depression at a time when there was no help for such disorders, thinking she would never make her future husband a good wife, rather than just call it off, she climbed to the 86th floor of New York City's Empire State building and flung herself off. Her suicide was not much different than many others who decided to end it all at the Empire State building. Why it stood apart was afterward. The world famous photograph of Evelyn laying dead on the top of a limousine parked on the street below.
The picture was snapped by a would-be photography student only four minutes after Evelyn landed on the car. The stories that followed in the papers made the 1940s general public take a new look at depression and what it can do to people. The story of McHale is sad because she thought so little of herself that she begged for cremation with no memorial services. She really thought she was not important enough.
This blog is dedicated to Evelyn McHale and others who thought there was no help for them and decided to end it all.


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